Well, the journey with DBS truly begins! We will leave Memphis tomorrow (Mon.) in the afternoon and head to Vanderbilt.
We hope to get to Nashville early enough to do a run through from the hotel to the hospital to make sure we can get there without any glitches Tues. morning since we have to be there soooo early (6:00!). Then we'll get an early dinner so David can get in bed early to have plenty of sleep.
Thankfully he hasn't caught any of the bugs that have been going around! We appreciate all those who have asked about David's surgery. It really means a lot to us knowing there are so many praying and thinking about us.
Aaron's few months at home couldn't have come at a better time! He will be around to help hold down the fort with John and get him to school while we're gone. Over the summer when Hannah was home from school, she was able to help out too, while we went to Nashville for appointments. We see God's hand even in details like that! (It's great having a big family!)
We would appreciate your prayers :
- that David would fully cooperate so the doctors can place the screws in the exact place.
- that the doctors would be able to put the screws in the right place.(is that redundant?)
- that David would stay healthy.
- for traveling safety.
- that we would be a light to all we come in contact with.
- that things would run well at home while we're gone.
I'll write again soon!
Thank you so much!