Here are a couple of blurry pictures of the happy boy the day after Stage 1 of David's DBS surgery for his Dystonia! Everything went well! After arriving at 6 a.m. and getting all checked in, they took him back around 7:30. He was gone for about 2 hours. During that time they implanted the four screws into his skull, then connected each small incision with small staples. While he was still "under", they did an MRI and CT scan. Mea

nwhile, Marshall and I went back to our hotel for breakfast. As soon as we got back to the hospital, the buzzer they had given us rang. We went back to the recovery room to find a VERY groggy David. It took about 45 min. for him to come out of it. The only real problem was that he complained of his head hurting. But the pain medication they gave him in his IV took care of it quickly. We were able to get on the road back to Memphis shortly after he could sit up. He was wide awake on the way home playing his gameboy for about 2 hours. Then after a big cheeseburger at Cracker Barrel ( he hadn't eaten since the night before), he slept the rest of the way home.
Once again, thank you so much for praying!
Until next week!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. You all are very much in our prayers. The boys are praying too. Sometimes I think the Lord hears children's prayers a little louder, don't you think? By the way, you are doing an amazing job!
Love, The Collins Family
Chris, Tim, Sully and Jack