A Special Card!
David has been delighted lately receiving many cards from friends! He grins from ear to ear! Thank you so much! I think it has really helped him feel like he is not forgotten by his friends.
Venturing Outside These 4 Walls!
Last night I took David to the Special Dance for a little while at the Pickering Center. He stayed home from the Masquerade Dance last month since Grandad and Aunt Wanda were here and it was too close to the string of surgeries. But now that we are nearing the end we thought it would be ok to get out in public for a little while. So many of his friends from school came up to him to see how he was doing! They had been very concerned. I think it was good for them to see that David is fine. Next week we plan to take him back to church. We are also planning one of his favorite past times - a movie! Anyone who has been around David for any length of time has probably been shown his list of movies he wants to see. He has written the list out on his AlphaSmart keyboard. It says that he needs to go "every Sat. at 12 noon". That's wishful thinking for Dave. We make it about once every 4 - 6 weeks.
Dear Friends
Thank you to many who helped out with meals while we were out of town for the Big One. Special thanks to my Care Group at church. Thank you for the phone calls and emails asking about David. Thank you for stopping me at church to ask about David and to get a little explanation of his surgery. Thank for the Blockbuster gift card. Thank you to my sweet friend who got my pansies in the ground that I bought from John's concert choir almost 2 months ago!
Coming To The End Of Surgery!
We leave once again for Nashville Sunday afternoon for David's 3rd and final surgery. His appointment is at 8:00 Monday morning. This one is an outpatient surgery so we should be back Monday night. They will put the battery in his chest at this time. I heard from friends on the Dystonia board that, for some, this one is the most painful. So far, David has done great! He hasn't tried to touch and pick at his staples or incision much at all. And he hasn't had much pain. (Thank you God!) So we would appreciate your prayers for:
1. Safety to and from Nashville.
2. The least amount of pain and discomfort.
3. Safety during anesthesia.
4. That we would be a light and witness for Christ.
5. John and Aaron as they hold the fort again. (John- no unforeseen"sickness" that would keep him from school, getting to bed at a reasonable hour, you know, that sort of stuff)
Once again, thank you for following David's journey of DBS with us! We appreciate you !
In His Grace and Joy,
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